Campaign Feasibility Studies

Because capital and endowment campaigns require an enormous commitment of organizational time, talent and resources, we typically suggest conducting a campaign feasibility study to gauge organizational readiness and potential community support for the initiative. A well-run study will not only help you decide if you are ready to move forward, but also will provide you with the early planning tools and next steps you’ll need to launch a campaign.

We start by working with you to develop a case for support document that explains your proposed effort and its benefits to the community. Then, we hold a series of confidential and objective interviews with your stakeholders: current and prospective major donors, governing board members, staff, and, of course, those who benefit from the organization's services. Our approach transcends a simple “check-the-box” interview as we often follow the interviewee’s lead to further engage them while gathering key data points that will inform the study process.

During the interviews, we measure:

•     Their perception of the current philanthropic environment, as it reflects and impacts your organization
•     Their assessment of your plans and the appeal of the preliminary case for support
•     The community’s capacity to support your proposed fundraising goal as defined by a preliminary table of gifts
•     The impact of the proposed campaign and the best strategy to maximize overall fundraising success
•     The timing of the proposed campaign

By involving key volunteer and staff leadership early on, the feasibility study process gives your organization an accurate picture of its key advocates and likely leaders, and encourages their united and enthusiastic endorsement of your campaign.