Our Clients
Trager Family JCC, Louisville, KY
DVA conducted a feasibility study and the largest capital campaign in the Jewish community to build a new JCC, raising $44 million.
YMCA of Central Ohio
We directed a capital campaign to build three new YMCAs in Gahanna, Grove City, and Hilliard, Ohio and to renovate the Elden Ward YMCA, raising a total of $11.1 million.
St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, Louisville, KY
DVA conducted a feasibility study and launched the endowment campaign and raised over $1.4 million - surpassing their $1.2M goal. The campaign was completed in six months.
Memphis JCC, Memphis, TN
We administered a feasibility study and their largest capital campaign to do major renovations including the addition of a water park-like aquatics facility, raising $15.2 million.
Wagner JCC, Salt Lake City, UT
We conducted a feasibility study and their largest campaign to provide a major renovations and a new activity center, raising $7.5 million.
St. Mary's Medical Center, Huntington, WV
We facilitated board retreats, a feasibility study, and their largest capital campaign to build a new center of education for their schools of nursing, radiography and respiratory therapy, raising $4 million.
Full Client List
Asheville Jewish Community Center, Asheville, NC
Bender Jewish Community Center of Greater Washington, Rockville, MD
Birmingham Jewish Federation, Birmingham, AL; Levite Jewish Community Center, N.E. Miles Jewish Day School, Collat Jewish Family Services, Birmingham Jewish Foundation
Campus of the San Antonio Jewish Community; Jewish Federation; Barshop Jewish Community Center, Eleanor Kolitz Academy, Jewish Family and Children's Services; San Antonio, TX
David Posnack Jewish Community Center, Davie, FL
Edlavitch Jewish Community Center, Washington DC
Foundation for Jewish Philanthropies, Getzville, NY
Gordon Jewish Community Center, Nashville, TN
IJ & Jeanné Wagner Jewish Community Center
JCC of Greater Rochester, Rochester, NY
Jewish Community Center of Columbus, OH
Jewish Community Center of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH
Jewish Community Center of Contra Costa, Walnut Creek, CA
Jewish Community Center of Greater Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City, Overland Park, KS
Jewish Community Center of the Greater St. Paul Area, St. Paul, MN
Jewish Community Center of Houston, TX
Jewish Community Center of St. Louis, St. Louis, MO
Jewish Community Center of Louisville, Louisville, KY
Jewish Community Center of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA
Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia, Fairfax, VA
Jewish Community Campus of Rockland, Nyack, NY
Jewish Federation of Cincinnati, OH
Jewish Federation of Raleigh-Cary, Raleigh, NC
Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
Jewish Community Foundation of West Hartford, CT
Jewish Foundation of Western Massachusetts, Springfield, MA
JCA, Jewish Community Alliance, Jacksonville, FL
Katie & Irwin Kahn Jewish Community Center, Columbia, SC
Mandel Jewish Community Center of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH
Mandell Jewish Community Center of Greater Hartford, CT
Mayberg Foundation, Washington DC
Memphis Jewish Community Center, Memphis, TN
Merage Jewish Community Center of Orange County, Orange County, CA
Michael-Ann Russell Jewish Community Center, North Miami Beach, FL
Mittleman Jewish Community Center, Portland, OR
Peninsula Jewish Community Center, Foster City, CA
Robert E. Loup Jewish Community Center, Denver, CO
The Ronald Gardenswartz Jewish Community Center of Greater Albuquerque, Albuquerque, NM
Sid Jacobson Jewish Community Center, Greenvale, NY
The Jewish Community Foundation, Oakland, CA
Valley of the Sun Jewish Community Center, Phoenix, AZ
Weinstein Jewish Community Center, Richmond, VA
Cherry Street Mission Ministries, Toledo, OH
Christian Social Services, Inc., Morehead, KY
Columbus Zoo, Columbus, OH
Great Miami Valley YMCA, Hamilton, OH
J. Ashburn, Jr. Youth Center, Columbus, OH
LifeTime Resources, Dillsboro, IN
Lost Tribe Esports, New York, NY
Pike County YMCA, Waverly, OH
Safe Passage, Inc., Batesville, IN
St. Cabrini Home, West Park, NY
St. Cabrini Nursing Home, Dobbs Ferry, NY
St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, Louisville, KY
St. Stephens Community House, Columbus, OH
VOICECorps, Columbus, OH
Wernle Children's Home, Richmond, IN
YMCA of Central Ohio: Eldon W. Ward YMCA,Gahanna YMCA, Grove City YMCA, Hilliard YMCA
American Immigration Law Foundation, Washington, DC
Cabrini Mission Foundation, New York, NY
Columbus Bar Foundation, OH
Consultant to Jewish Community Centers Association of North America, New York, NY
Consultant to Jewish Federations of North America, New York, NY
Fairfax Law Foundation/ Fairfax Bar Association, Fairfax, VA
Franciscan Sisters of the Poor Foundation, Brooklyn, NY
National Aviation Hall of Fame, Dayton, OH
National Foundation for Judicial Excellence, Chicago, IL
Ohio Basketball Hall of Fame, Columbus, OH
United States Agency for International Development, Croatia and Poland, Washington, DC
Adena Regional Medical Center/Adena Health Foundation, Chillicothe, OH
Atrium Medical Center Foundation, Middletown, OH
Bon Secours Health System, Inc., Marriotsville, MD — A system of medical centers, retirement communities and social service agencies in Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New York, South Carolina and Virginia
Cabrini Medical Center, New York, NY
Coshocton County Memorial Hospital, Coshocton, OH
Fayette Regional Health System/Foundation, Connersville, IN
Franciscan Sisters of the Poor Health System with hospitals in Illinois, Kentucky, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, South Carolina
Grandview Hospital Foundation, Dayton, OH
Holzer Consolidated Health Systems/Cancer Center, Gallipolis, OH
Premier Health
Atrium Medical Center Foundation, Middletown, OH
Good Samaritan Hospital Foundation, Dayton, OH
Miami Valley Hospital Foundation, Dayton, OH
UVMC Foundation, Troy, OH
River Cities Community Health Coalition, Ashland, KY
Southern Ohio Medical Center/Foundation/Hospice House, Portsmouth, OH
St. Claire Foundation/St. Claire Regional Medical Center, Morehead, KY
St. Joseph's Hospital/Foundation, Buckhannon, WV
St. Mary’s Medical Center/Foundation, Huntington, WV
Bexley School District, Bexley, OH
Columbus Jewish Day School, Columbus, OH
Dayton Opera, Dayton, OH
Highlands Museum and Discovery Center, Ashland, KY
Kids Read Now, Troy, OH
Mother Cabrini High School, New York, NY
Rockwern Academy, Cincinnati, OH
Seedling Foundation/Stivers School for the Arts, Dayton, OH
Speed Art Museum, Louisville, KY
Victoria Theater Association and Arts Center Foundation, Dayton, OH
All Saints Episcopal Church, New Albany, OH
Congregation Beth Tikvah, Columbus, OH
Congregation Brith Shalom, Houston, TX
Congregation Ohav Shalom, Cincinnati, OH
Mother Cabrini Shrine, Golden, CO
Temple Beth Shalom, Columbus, OH
Temple B'rith Kodesh, Rochester, NY
Temple Sholom, Cincinnati, OH
Trinity Episcopal Church, Findlay, OH
Dominican Sisters, St. Mary of the Springs, Columbus, OH
Sisters of Mercy Regional Community of New York, Brooklyn, NY
St. Francis Cabrini Shrine, New York, NY